Today twelve years ago on 28th of may 1998 ...almost two years before the new millennium...Pakistan became a Nuclear Power after conducting a series of nuclear test at chaghi in the Baluchistan province.That day the world witnessed a hill in chaghi turned its color .

As the years went by...the pride was overtaken by the prejudice....as the political government was overthrown....the military regime tried to take all the credit for making Pakistan a nuclear power...due to the sensitivity of this issue and the pressure of the united nation to roll back the nuclear program...most of the people involved in this program were either removed or arrested on falsified allegations....of helping or planning to help other non nuclear states such as North Korea and Iran.The Khan network rem

It is indeed ironic that in this past decade two Khan's of Pakistan...Abdul Qadeer Khan the architect of nuclear program and Shahid Khan afridi the cricket skipper...have been Praised,prized,punished,pillorized,pushed,pumped,perturbed,pitied,Pestered,pardoned,penned,pissed,pressured,.....who needs a roget's thesaurus....you think of a P-word and the Pakistani's have done it with the two Phans...oh sorr
y I mean
the two Khans.
So whether you believe in the fairytale endings...or the Shakespearean beginning ....its.. All's well that ends well....today on the twelveth anniversary of the Nuclear blasts....Shahid khan afridi so desperately need to win a trophy for Pakistan to get his own pride back but the Honerable Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan is a free man...
enjoying his freedom with pride among the grateful Nation...who wants nothing from him...isn't it an eternal love.....

So whether you believe in the fairytale endings...or the Shakespearean beginning ....its.. All's well that ends well....today on the twelveth anniversary of the Nuclear blasts....Shahid khan afridi so desperately need to win a trophy for Pakistan to get his own pride back but the Honerable Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan is a free man...

The author of this blog is a well known skulker.He eats to love ...bihari,hyderabadi and ismaili's are his favorites.He have had no direct or indirect links to the American CIA...this claim can be verified at inquirer's own risk from:
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