It may sound Ironic yet it is a historical fact that the British snatched the Indian Sub-continent from mostly Muslim rule By the might of Sword and treachery...from 1740's to 1857 when after a full and final battle the indian subcontinent became a part of the British Empire and came to be known as The British Raj.Now what is more interesting is the fact that about less than a century latter in 1947 the british raj gave independence to the Indian sub-continent because of the Mightier than the Sword.. Pen.
Ya it is true ....the muslims of India after surrendering the sword became loyalist to the crown and choose education and learning under the able leadership of a legendry leader Sir Syed Ahmad Khan...the leader of Aligarh Movement and the founder of Aligarh Muslim University...young muslims from all over india started coming to Aligarh and thanks to the quality of education and the ambience of positive cultural and political activities they were groomed into intellects and leaders of highest caliber .Hasrat Mohani was also one of them.After studying with the likes of Muhammad ali Johar and shaukat Ali ,Hasrat became a freedom fighter using the might of his pen to spread the message and instill the hope among the slaved people of Sub continent..His urdu Poetry has both passion and devotion par excellence.
My grandFather was an alig whom I never got to see because he died few years before my birth but my papa who was a proud son of an alig and always regretted not being able to go to aligarh due to illness and partition of india...used to recite these verses of Hasrat Mohani at the top of his voice coming out of deep thoughts...hai mashq-e-suKhan jaarii chakkii kii mushaqqat bhii
ek turfaa tamaashaa hai "Hasrat" kii tabiiyat bhii
my personal favorite is also sung by one of the legands of the indo-pak sub continent gulam ali saab and I believe is also taken for a hindi movie is
On May the 13th 2010 numerous cultural and social organizations of Karachi held functions seprately to remember the great Urdu poet and a freedom fighter Hasrat Mohani on his 59th death anniversa

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