Not having the luxury of a good poetry teacher and an opportunity to visit the theater I was my self surprised as hell when the words and lines began to make sense...and the most amazing thing happened when I accidentally picked one of the Canterbury tales by Chaucer.
At first I was very scared because I felt like I have already read it...a notion that still surprises me and makes me uneasy some times...soon after I had finished the second tale I began to feel like one of the friars......it was a very difficult time for me because I was going off the track and everybody was getting impatient.They were sure that I am wasting my time and that speaking nonsense all the time....many offered help some even tried to coerce ..anyways I somehow managed to escape unhurt and the shrink never got to show her pretty legs and write prescriptions for me...I consider this to be One of the greatest achievements of my life.
In one of chaucer's canterburry tales ...I believe its the NUN'S Priest's ta

Thus regal, as a prince is in his hall,
I'll now leave busy Chanticleer to feed,
And with events that followed I'll proceed.
When that same month wherein the world began,
Which is called March, wherein God first made man,
Was ended, and were passed of days also,
Since March began, full thirty days and two,
It fell that Chanticleer, in all his pride,
His seven wives a-walking by his side,
Cast up his two eyes toward the great bright sun
(Which through die sign of Taurus now had run
Twenty degrees and one, and somewhat more),
And knew by instinct and no other lore
That it was prime, and joyfully he crew,
"The sun, my love," he said, "has climbed anew
Forty degrees and one, and somewhat more.
My lady Pertelote, whom I adore,
Mark now these happy birds, hear how they sing,
And see all these fresh flowers, how they spring;
Full is my heart of revelry and grace."
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