Sunday, June 13, 2010

What does Iran wants..........................?

When the American CIA decided it was time for SHAH to pack up and leave ...they started all sorts of bad propaganda against him the royal family and the elites of was the time when there was no cable or internet...only print media and the state television...which was usually watched by the ladies of the house or the servants...In those days rumors and propaganda ruled supreme....The people of Pakistan loved Shah and his in order to make them change their minds and accept the Ayatollah and Mulla's it was said that iranian women have become immoral they swim in pools naked with men and use contraceptives....etc etc..Things like these totally converted the very conservative muslim population of Pakistan against Shah and his regime....making the overthrow of a very popular ruler in the neighboring country very the Shah and his regime trusted Pakistan even more than it trusted US and the western allies... it was quite a game plan to save the iranian oil from getting into the hands of Communists ,Marxist and the roman
Anyways you don't have to look through a magnifying glass to see that in the successive sanctions imposed upon Iran ....the real sufferers has been those non american allies countries who were trading with Iran before the sanctions.Pakistan has prospered manifolds because of these sanctions...smuggling has flourished over the years...under the nose of the Americans and the united nations...
The recent additional sanctions on Iran will definitely oblige Pakistan to help its nuclear

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