Sunday, January 15, 2012

Blind date

As a kid ,i used to go to a lot of outings,picnics,parties,cinema,and other religious functions but i still enjoyed going to"mian kay han"  more...the fact that mian jee was not able to see at all and yet he performed all his routines without any help was very interesting for me...his calling my name and opening his cupboard and bring out the box of sweets and giving me a candy always made me feel real special...nothing in the world ever made me feel so euphoric.Radio was his only source of information other than the jamaiti propaganda he got from "other sources"  He was true and honest well-wisher of Pakistan and muslims around the world.He prayed very regularly and was more close to god than many with the sight...
Even though i have always been treated like a true prince but ever since he passed away i was not able to see the world as interesting as it seems looking through his perspective.
  Obviously he hated his circumstances and his life but still he was very hopeful for the others especially for his near and dear ones...i am not sure but it seems that at the time of his passing away he handed over that torch of hope to me...Everybody has to die someday as i have been told but i am very glad that Apa bi lived a full life after Mian Jee and she was very well cared for by everyone .Especially the generation next.All the Best!!!!

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