Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter....!

Life can be so unbelievably unfaithful to you that you cannot imagine....some people get what they want when they want it...Others don't even get it even if they deserve it....take for example a thing as insignificant as an falls on some peoples head whether they want it or not...and others have to walk or drive for miles to get an apple only to be told..."ah we are sorry ....out of shop 50km..."
This happens with so many things in life...and when this happens one asks himself ...Why?...Why now..?....Why me ?
Is this the lord testing me or punishing me..? or is this my own fault...this would have never have had happened to me if I had been not so lazy...or more careful.
Or is it somebody else playing tricks on me.....?
The Day that is now completely over was one of the most important day of this year 2010 The Easter Sunday....I was hoping and planning to indulge myself with all the things I had kept myself away from during the Lent...But due to the gum infection and toothache....I was almost on fasting the whole day.I can't even have a cup of tea...a thing that I take for granted...I feel so awful and depressed.This has never happened to me before ever on an Easter Sunday.....every year I enjoy a lot on this the hot and spicy food so much that I begin to sweat like a pig...but today I am cold and dry....weak and unhappy.Maybe this is it...the Lord's way of warning me to be more careful about my diet and hygiene.If this is so than the Lord or whoever acted on his behalf...does care about me.....Wow !

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